Thursday, November 5, 2020

30 Days of Gratitude - Day 5

Day 5 – November 5 – “Give thanks for music, art, and authors. Name one of your favorites.”

Pastor Malinda, next time you do a list of what to be thankful for, please give us 3 different days for these different categories. For today, though, I’m going to gloss over art (Some of my favorite artists are Michelle Branson, Jinger Crouch Glasgow, and She-She Vaughn). I’m going to basically skip authors also (Some of my favorite authors are James Lee Burke, Michael Swindle, and whoever I am currently reading…  namely, TODAY, Candace Millard.)

So let’s talk MUSIC. Can you guess who my favorite musician is? If not, you don’t know me.

But Aaron Branson wouldn’t be the skilled musician he is today without so many other people from whom he has learned technique, theory, music history, and who have encouraged him along the way. Most of these people are gifted musicians in their own right, and some of them are my “adopted” children. I can’t name every single important person for this list, so in no particular order of importance, because all of them belong in the number two position for one reason or another, here are some of them:

Will Cash  Aaron’s first guitar teacher, at age 10 or so. Now they remain best friends, have been in dozens of bands and music groups together over the years, have authored music together, attended UAB together, have been in each other’s weddings, have shared the love of each other’s mothers, and I could write a book about him. One of the most talented guitar players in the South. I thank God for Will Cash.

Mark Lanter One of Aaron’s first UAB instructors, but more important, head of the Jazz Combo, and Aaron’s first public concert “recital”. He called Aaron one of the most talented bass players he has ever had, endearing himself to me the first time I met him. Over the years, they have also become great friends, continued to play in numerous groups together, including Black Jacket Symphony, Eat A Peach, and the Peytones. Mark is one of my favorite musicians, and a terrific drummer. I thank God for Mark Lanter.

Allen Barlow Besides being one of the most talented guitarists around, Allen owns Homewood School of Music, and has given many musicians the chance to teach music to others. Allen LIVES his Christian faith. During the COVID quarantine, he has created opportunities for many musicians to perform virtually, earn virtual tips, and therefore maintain food on their tables and homes in which to put those tables. Allen quietly worships God in everything he does, every note he plays, and I love him. I thank God for Allen Barlow.

This is getting too long, and I haven’t even STARTED on my “second favorite” musicians, so just let me share a few more who all share that spot: Tyler Diuguid, Peyton Grant, J Willoughby, Matt Casey, Matt Carroll, and Nic Herring.

I thank God for MUSICIANS.

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